Through the Tussle

I have been thinking all day about this post, asking myself what I might want to be holding close in my mind as the year concludes. Asking myself what I might be willing to tussle with today, because it is both things, to write into a idea: it is an embrace, a welcoming, but maybe …


I have always been a little enamored with scientific terms. Not all of them or generally, but specific ones and intensely. Inertia, for one, has become a favorite, has often erupted into my mind and begged to be the word that I use to understand a moment. And maybe that's surprising, the stickiness of a …

Conduit and Canvas

It had not occurred to me that the sun would go down. It had not occurred to me that I would have a time limit, or a way in which I must conform. It is nice, at times, to feel like there are things that exist outside of stricture, but then again, this month of …

To Hold the Light

Identity is a squirrelly thing, because it is the thing most tightly gripped in each individual’s palm, and yet that might mean aspects of it go partly unseen. And so identity, or naming and claiming any aspect of it, becomes a risk for the individual, because that self-claimed thing may be well known to her—may …

Scent and Memory

The cold lifted slightly, and the sun came out, so I went for a walk around Irvington. I stuffed airpods in my ears and put on a playlist, and this made the walk my own, a version of it that no one could repeat, even if they went the same way. There weren't many people …

Waiting for the Tide

At some point I became the person who thinks, Oh yeah, sure, X terrible or frightening or challenging thing? Why WOULDN'T that happen to me?--entirely abandoning the youthful pressupposition that we're immune from all the hardest, most difficult aspects of human life. But at some point, all that stuff--the difficult, bad, frightening things--all that stuff …

Art Gallery

I got in my car after work today so that I could get a coffee and drive around. I don't know if the appeal of driving around makes sense unless you are likewise a person who relates to the desire to get in a car and cruise around purposelessly for an undefined stretch of time …


The cool thing about being the boss faciltator of the #writerly program is I get to gently nudge people toward types of writing that excite me. And so today is that: a reflection in ~100 words. Every Monday something happens: either the kids leave or they arrive. This is the pattern of co-parenting, our version …

The Table

In 2019 I bought a new dining room table. At the time I bought it mostly to make it easier to host Creative Nights, something I used to hold at my house every other Friday night, for a number of creatively inclined co-worker friends. These friends would gather and talk and drink and write and …